Over the years, I got a lot of nicknames though.During my school days, one brat named Vinayan(still friends!!!) called me 'gundumani' as I was abnormally fat(the word abnormal is used here in a different context altogether, cant mention everythng here, this isnt a autobiography, rt?). The name vanished after my schooling, but that wasnt the end.During my +2 and UG, I was called 'nattu' and 'pottu' simultaneously for my looney antics(atleast that was their reason for naming me such).One of my senior, Gowri, even send a bday card to my home with the name Nattu.Believe me, when the post man came with the card, my mom sent him away saying theres no one by tht name.And guess what, my friends and seniors call me these names even today.
Then came my favourite nickname which I myself use it now in different places - officially. 'Vimmuuu'- - two friends of mine during my MBA, Priya and Anita, started calling me and that too during the early days of our college.Now because of them and also thanks to orkut, people in my office including the companys director calls me vimmuuu. It is also different in its spelling and it was Anita who came up with such a unique spelling - double m, triple u. Now, another friend of mine,Divya, even has a meaning for it. Its like , V (spelt as W.e. ) , double me and triple you; ie, whatever you give me in doubles would be given back to you in triple folds.So people, when you are planning to write ' vimmuuu ' the next time, please keep the spelling in mind, I also have plans to patent that name...hehehe....
Nicknames like our real names also stay forever, atleast thats how we want it to be; for various reasons.
Vimmuuu.. hhahahahaha
so..its going to be another one of those Orkut style things,eh? Somethings never change :))
Well Nattukutta.......did I really do that??? send a postcard in the name Nattu???? Hmmmm.....I was smart then wasnt I? ;) But a good start!!!
Vimmuuu... I give u another name ... " Mirror " ;-)
"vim" uuuuuu
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